Like a wilted flower I die down. With distorted sensations and in loneliness, my soul decays. consuming every energy. Everything is pain. Everything hurts. I let myself go, one petal after the other falls down dry and lifeless. I wither, I strip off of every hope, wrenched away by a freezing and cruel wind Dead leaves violently twirl in the air, submitted to the fury of the upcoming winter. Nailed to the floor, I observe the heaviness of a gray and leaving myself being covered by frozen and ethereal snow. Snow that brings calmness Snow that erases everything Around, every light turns off. I breathe in deeply a bitter air, that wounds, that tears the chest apart. In the dark I feel myself being lifted up by the wind, and dismembered, I evaporate, like snow crystals lost in the eternity of a froistibbten void.