Fragment of twilight trace of existance find the connection inside my dream heart of illusion ancestral wisdom mystical fusion, pure energy
Genesis, Aria genesis, Acqua genesis, Terra genesis, Fuoco
Rising sun, purple moon, falling star, wide blue ocean morning light, hidden myst, fire, ice, starless nightfall Visions of unknown that lead to eternal words
Dying rose, crystal snow, crying dawn, frozen season raging wind, lightning's strike, open sea, magic solstice Soul's cosmic feeling that turns into inner calls
Fragment of twilight trace of existance find the connection inside my dream heart of illusion ancestral wisdom mystical fusion, pure energy
Genesis, Aria genesis, Acqua genesis, Terra genesis, Fuoco
Rising sun, purple moon, falling star, wide blue ocean morning light, hidden myst, fire, ice, starless nightfall Visions of unknown that lead to electric worlds
Fragment of twilight trace of existance find the connection inside my dream heart of illusion ancestral wisdom mystical fusion, pure energy