First I talk about stand-up comedy and tell you some common expressions to describe comedy performances (see below). Then listen to me describing how I feel before a comedy gig, then listen to a recording of a recent gig. Finally I describe how I feel after the gig.
There is some explicit content in this episode. Please don’t listen if you are offended easily.
Vocabulary Here are some expressions I describe in the podcast When a comedian has a bad performance and gets no laughs: “He absolutely bombed last night” – to bomb “He died on stage” – to die “He died on his arse tonight” – to die on your arse When a comedian is doing well “He’s absolutely killing the audience” – he’s really making them laugh a lot “This joke always kills” – the joke always gets a good laugh The punchline – the line that gets the laugh / to punch someone (another meaning – to hit him in the face)
Here are some videos of my favourite stand-up comedians. Enjoy!!!
George Carlin talks about his ‘stuff’
Bill Bailey on Cockney musical influences in classical music