Cavernous depths resound cataclysmic echoes, The yearning abyss beckons through the fog of mind, Bestial might consumes within, a carnal upheaval, Majestic Pathfinder surge with lupine power,
Sonorious waves ripple through Nidgredo's waters, A resonating truth past The Kingdom's shores, Storm of the East, purged with Xanthotic fire! Passing from sight and mind.
Rise, Cleanse, Purify, Venerate the exanguated whore!
Ain Sof Aur as Below so Above, A Deathward ascent in Nightside carnation, Light shines from the blackest reaches, A totem of Astaroth's gaze,
Led by Her withered Hand, Weaving through unspeakable depths, Soaring across the darkest fimament, Beyond the Star's light, a wavering lament,
Becoming entwined in dark desire, An Invocation of inmost being, The shadow essence and the threshold, Become as one,
The Paths lie traversed. Insignia blazen with crimson flame, Adamas Aeter reflects All,
For solar ascent heralds our unity, Albedo envelopes the Third Eye, Facing the abyssal edge,
She lifts me beyond the stars! As I cast off Maya's cloak!
Before us she stands, Phosphorescent, divine, Gnosis rides with us, consuming, becoming
Holy metamorphosis, Sail beyond form, Azothic wounds, Heal this incarnation,
Xanthotic flame, Mandala of fire and blood, Ashen wasteland, Surrounding the eye,
As She descends... Encloaked in embers, Eyes as the stars, Dancing in withershins, Enchantress entranced,
Focal Vortex, Gateway between worlds, Sacrosanct Divinity, Of rapturous tongue