The song emphasizes the value of reciting God's name -------------------------------------------------- O God Narayana, make me to chant (smaraNeya) the sweet essence (sArAmRuta) of your (ninna) name (nAmada) on my toungue (nAligege barali)
Relieve (biTToDi hOgO hAMge) me (nA) of all (balu) my sins (pApa) which I have committed (mADida) while sitting (kUDuvAgali), standing/talking (niMtADuvAgali), singing (hADuvAgali), running/walking (haridADuvAgali), recreating (KODi vinOdadi)
Whether I am in the village (UroLagirali) or out (horagirali) of village (Urige), let all the work (kAraNArthaMgaLella) be pending (kAdirali), Narayana (vArija nAbha-husband of Lakshmi) Krishna (narasArathi-who led the chariot of Arjuna), let me chant your name now and then (sArisArige), without any boredom (bEsaradAMge)
Whether I am hungry (hasididdAgali) or without hungry (hasivilladAgali) being upset (kasivisiyirali) or in happy mood (haruShavirali) vasudEvAtmaka (son of Vasudeva) shishupAlakShaya (who killed Shishupala) asurAMtaka (who killed all demons) let me chant your (ninna) name (hesaru) without forgetting (mareyadAMge)
Whether I am in hardship (kaShTadallirali) or in excellent position (utkRuShTadallirali) or in the state of senseless (eShTadarU matigeTTirali) let me chant the eight letter (aShTAkShara) sacred word (mahAmaMtrava) of Krishna Krishna, the learned people (shiShTaru) are saying (pELuva)
Whether in dreams (kanasinoLAgali) or perturbed (kaLavaLakAgali) or in the state of calm (manasugoTTirali) or in bad temper (munidirali) Sree Rama (janakajApati - husband of Sita who born to Janaka maharaja) make me to remember (nenesikoLLo hAMge) your (ninna) lotus (kamalavanu) feet (caraNa) atleast once (omme) in my mind (manasinoLage)
Whether in fever (jvara baMdAgali), or cold (caLi baMdAgali) or shivering (naDuguvAgali) again and again (maraLi maraLi) HarinArAyaNa, remover (nivAraNaneMdu) of all agonies (durita) make me remember (smaraNe) you (ninna) day (hagalu) and night (iruLu) without forgetting (mareyadAMge)
Let me place (oLagirisi) your (ninna) thousand (sAsira) names (nAmava) always (saMtata) in my heart (aMtaraMgada) Hari Purandaravittala, make me think (ciMtiso hAMge) of you at the last moments (aMtya kAladali) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ By Sage Purandara dasa
Translated by P.R.Ramachander
Raga Shuddha danyasi Tala Roopaka
Pallavi Narayana, ninna naamada smaraneya, Sara amruthavenna naligeege bar ali
Charanam 1.Kuduvagali ninthaduvagali mathe haaduvagali, haridaguvagali, Khoti vinodadi nodadhe na baalu madidha papa bittodi hogo hege.
2.Oorige hogali , oor olage irali karna antharanga lella kadirali, Vaarija naabha , nara sarathi sannutha sari sarige na besaradhaage.
3.Hasividdagali , hasi villadhagali, rasa kasi irali harusirali , Vasudevathmaka , Shishupalakasaya , asuranthaka , ninna hesaru mareyadhage.
7.Santhatha Hari ninna sasira namavu antharanga olagirisi, Yentho Purandara Vittala rayane . anthya kala dhalli chinthiso hage.
English translation
Oh Narayana , the thought of your name, Is the essence of nectar and let it come to my toungue.
1. How can the sins committed in my life leave and run away from me. Whether I am in the state sitting, standing , singing or running , Or stay without bothering about the crores of recreati