The earth cold and damp presses against my shroud Mortality has fled my mortal frame Immortal will forever be my name
This earth has drank much blood In the fight to save my land Strange it is this feeling knowing my crown has passed to the Gall's hand
The bells knell in sorrow as I am lowered down The cold earth is silent for a time My headstone, a cross of stone, bears my name To remind all men that here I lie
Deep within the bosom of the world I finally become aware Noises that I cannot comprehend Whispers at first but now a roar
Deafening it is. Fear does grip my soul What is this ancient horror that calls me to its own?
A thunderous crack sounds overhead As my cross is shorn in two Has God passed sentence on my life? I fear it could be true My soul is slowly being sucked back to whence it came Slowly I realise it be not God Manannán be his name
The earth which I no longer feel press against my skin The shroud half hanging from my corpse Trailing still within the bog which spews me up from the bowels Of this ancient land I knees Ochone, what is this hell on earth Is this what from my dreams grew?