0:00 - Walk-Stab-Walk - Erik "Jit" Scheele 0:17 - Time on My Side - Joren "Tensei" de Bruin 0:34 - Even in Death - Clark "Plazmataz" Powell 0:46 - Gaia Queen - Toby "Radiation" Fox 0:57 - Endless Climb - George Buzinkai 1:11 - Olive Rogue - Eston "silence" Schweickart 1:26 - Ruins - Erik "Jit" Scheele 1:38 - Lotus - Seth "Beatfox" Peelle 1:49 - BL1ND JUST1C3 : 1NV3ST1G4T1ON!! - Malcolm Brown 2:07 - Chorale for Jaspers - Michael Guy Bowman 2:24 - Another Jungle - Michael Guy Bowman 2:30 - Let's All Rock the Heist - Robert J! Lake 2:47 - Derse Dreamers - Jeremy "Solatrus" Iamurri 2:57 -- Carbon Nadsat/Cuestick Genius -- Robert J! Lake 3:10 - Three in the Morning - Clark "Plazmataz" Powell 3:22 - Black - Toby "Radiation" Fox 3:33 - Trollcops - Erik "Jit" Scheele 3:57 - Frost - Jeremy "Solatrus" Iamurri 4:08 - Rex Duodecim Angelus - Malcolm Brown 4:20 - A Taste for Adventure - Seth "Beatfox" Peelle 4:43 - Infinity Mechanism - Thomas "EidolonOrpheus" Ferkol 5:06 - Ocean Stars Falling - Michael Guy Bowman 5:11 - Love You (Feferi's Theme) - Toby "Radiation" Fox 5:41 - Ohgodwhat - Nick "OMGTSN" Smalley 5:47 -- Courser - Alexander Rosetti / Seth "Beatfox" Peelle 5:47 - Dance of Thorns - Joren "Tensei" de Bruin 6:15 - Unite Synchronization - Malcolm Brown 6:27 - Upward Movement - Robert Blaker 7:02 - Fly - Michael Guy Bowman 7:13 - Vagabounce - David Ko 7:36 - Walk-Stab-Walk/Time on My Side 8:57 -- Cascade (Beta) -- Joren "Tensei" de Bruin 9:20 - Flare - Clark "Plazmataz" Powell 9:44 - Savior of the Dreaming Dead - Malcolm Brown 10:07 - Black Hole/Green Sun - Malcolm Brown 10:53 - At the Price of Oblivion - Malcolm Brown