Hello, my beautiful America. This is President Eden, and its time we had a talk. Its time we discussed something rather important. The issue at hand is, well, my presidency. The question has been raised, I know, as to just how I came to be elected to this most illustrious office. Or whether or not I had been elected at all. To that I must answer; of course. Of course I was elected, sweet America, of course. Isnt the right to vote the very foundation of a democracy? Unfortunately, in the interest of national security, I am not at liberty to discuss the details of the election, you understand. But rest assured, I am your president because the appropriate people of this great nation decided I should be. I am your duly elected representative. Of course, when the time comes, when my term is up, America will be free to elect a new president. And that person will have our full faith and confidence, and carry our collective values forward into the future. Democracy, dear America. Democracy now, and forever. Weve got to part now, you and I, but dont be sad America. The Enclave is working tirelessly, to rebuild this great nation, so you dont have to. Until we meet again, this is John Henry Eden, signing off.