I'm alone on the path just taken; Glittering, it stretches through the fog; Quiet night. All harkens to the Maker, And two stars begin a dialogue.
It is grand and solemn in the heavens! In the azure radiance Earth rests... Why then does my heart seem so heavy? Do I hope? Or do I have regrets?
No, for I hope no longer, And do not regret the past at all; I seek freedom and repose, while longing To obtain them in a sleep withal!
But it's not a deathlike sleep I crave for... I would rather fall asleep, yet live, For my dormant chest might keep its vigor, For my dormant chest might mutely heave;
For I would with joy forever listen To a gentle voice that sings of love, For an oak tree, always green and blissful, Would caress me rustling from above.
Лермонтов 200 по встречной. Часть 1 (плейлист интерактивный). Malinen - Dialogue 03. Светлана Мамрешева, YOURALOBIKOV - Выхожу Один Я На Дорогу 04. Мириам Сехон ...
3plet Album (App): Лермонтов - 200 по встречной 3plet Album (App): Лермонтов - 200 по встречной ... отпразднуют 200-летие М . Ю. Лермонтова мультижанровым ...