Let the holy cross be my light. Let not the dragon be my guide.
Step back satan.
Never tempt me with vain things. What you offer me is evil. You drink the poison yourself.
Note: This song is a "spoken amulet", used to ward off evil in Catholic tradition, dating from as early as 1647. there's just something so simply strong about it.
I Am The Bastard.
In a world where God is known as an Uber-Capitalist, misogynistic, backwards, Fag-hating pig, Maranatha is adressed from one hypocrite to ll hypocrites.
Maranatha does not exist to project Hatered or Judgement. This project is a Call to a community from directly Within it. A cal ti act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly.
If you are redaing this and you have a Deep desdain for God - one that has its Roots in a deep disdain for christians - Maranatha does not seek to invalidate Your convictions, or even chamge your mind. Whay Maranatha does seek to do is Contend that the God you experienced Wasn't real. In the first place.
"I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." - John 10:10