Looking down into your acid eyes I see a thousand wild nights Rubbing your hand in the softest way Across your necklace of bites The streets are deserted, and so is your mind We're so sick of the sight of each other We've done this many times
Remember way back when We were so shy and naive Remember on the day you Lost your youth upon the beach And the demon kills an angel As you came over the bed So this is the big deal The ultimate feeling They claim in those books you read
The feeling of skin against skin As you feel youth slide inside And you shut your eyes in a wild relief As you watch innocence die Do you watch innocence die?
Looking down into your acid eyes I see a thousand wild nights Rubbing your hand in the softest way Across your necklace of bites The streets are deserted, and so is your mind Wondering why we never can relive Our very first time Wondering why we never can relive Our very first time Wondering why we never can relive Our very first time