“Devil in the Kitchen Set” by Crépuscule from Shades of Music
“Mrs. McGraw” by Merry Mischief from Just Love Songs
“Slides- Going To The Well For Water-The Lonesome Road To Dingle” by The Langers Ball from As I Roved Out
“Fosgail An Daras Dhan Tailleir Fhidhleir-Old Wife of the Mill Dust” by IONA from A Celebration of Twenty
“Lament of the Wolves” by Jacie McConnell from Mystical Moments: A Sign of Things to Come
“Mhorag_s Na Horo Gheallaidh” by Sanctuary from Sanctuary
“Corkscrew Set” by The Bringers from Ramblers and Rovers
“Stingy Jack” by The Blarney Rebel Band from Buy My Soul
“Sixth and Porter” by The Kreellers from Sixth and Porter
“Pipe Major’s Jig” by Raymond McCullough from Different
“The Captains’ Song” by Angus Mohr from Symphony from the Ghost Ship
“Follow Me Up to Carlow” by The Barley Boys from The Days of Abundance
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Next time we’ll have music for our Celtic Christmas special. Find out more about the artists in this show and in past shows by visiting us at www.celticmusicpodcast.com. While you’re there, visit the link for our Celtic Music CD Store on CD Baby. And support the artists who support this podcast: buy their CDs, see their shows, and drop them an email to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
THE CELTIC TOP FIVE In every episode of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast, I ask you to vote for your favorite song in that podcast. The most-popular song is then featured at the end of the next podcast. Here are the most-popular songs from the last show.
5. “Dance Of The Seven Veils” by The McDades 4. “Tamlin” by Nightingael 3. “Whiskey you’re the Devil” by Sligo Rags 2. “The Midnight Stone” by Maidens IV
1. “Mad Jenny” by Merry Wives of Windsor from Tales from Windsor’s Tavern