LENE MÁJJÁ text: Rawdna Carita Eira/Mari Boine melody: Mari Boine/ Svein Schultz/ Ole Jørn Myklebust
Lene Májjá jorada Johkagierragis riegádan Lene Májjá diehtá sus ii leat go jođašit Guoikkaniski geasuha Stuora geavgŋá hástala Go gullá amas jiena doppe huradeame
Lene Májjá jorada Buđđosajis besada Lene Májjá oaidná movt dál earát jorbbodit Ii leat mihkkege všalaš Son gal dovdá gamus dan Su čuorvu amas jietna, ii leat ovdal gullan dan Gii su spihčče Gii su vuojet Álo mannat olgolii Gii su spihčče Gii su vuojet Álo mannat iige bissánit
Gii su spihčče Gii su vuojet àlo mannat mannat fal Gii su spihčče Gii su vuojet Álo mannat iige bissánit
Lene Majja keeps pn swirling, She was spawned at the river's source. Lene Majja knows she was born to move. The great waterfall challenges her. The rapids summon her As she hears a new humming.
Lene Majja keeps on twirling, Gets past the weir in the river. Lene Majja sees others confused. There is no danger: She knows deep inside She has never heard the voice that calls her now.
What is that drives her? Who is that keeps her moving? What is that always compels her To go further and further right to the limits? Who inspires her to continue and never to settle for less?
Lene Majja keeps on whirling, Not giving up but dreaming. Lene Majja knows that passes swftly. The others try to stop her And keep her silent! She hears that enchanting voice and moves on.
Lene Majja keeps swirling. Disobedient and cunning, She leaves others to wriggle into the weir net. She passes the mout of the river, Hears the roaring of the sea. She reaches that magical sound And their voices become one
What is that drives her? Who is that keeps her moving? What is that always compels her To go further and further right to the limits? Who inspires her to continue and never to settle for less?