Up the Golborne Road with star-light in our blood Over the bridge and along the canal It was a late Victorian holocaust, pal We were star-babies in the dark Throwing up in Meanwhile Park Then sleeping in each others arms Beyond happy we were, beyond harm
Sweet Little Sleep My dreams are yours to keep Past the school with moon-fire in our hearts Past The Cow It was a late Victorian holocaust, but wow We were star-babies as the day begun Up the stairs and at a run Then sleeping in each others arms Happy we were and beyond harm Sweet Little Sleep My dreams are yours to keep
Down the Golborne Road with sunshine in our spines Year after year It was a late Victorian holocaust, dear We were star-babies for a time Lying down in Meanwhile Park Sleeping in each others arms Then up again and off we’d blow Back down the Golborne Road we’d go
But nobody will ever wake again And never will we rise And never will we go Along the canal and up the Golborne Road
Sweet Little Sleep My dreams are yours to keep Sweet Little Sleep My dreams are yours to keep