Gaudeamus igitur /Let us rejoice therefore Juvenes dum sumus. /While we are young. Post jucundam juventutem/ After a pleasant youth Post molestam senectutem/ After a troubling old age Nos habebit humus./ The earth will have us.
Ubi sunt qui ante nos/ Where are [they] who before us In mundo fuere?/ Were in the world? Vadite ad superos/ Go to the heavens Transite in inferos/ Cross over into hell Hos si vis videre./ If you wish to see them.
Vita nostra brevis est/ Our life is brief Brevi finietur./ Soon it will end. Venit mors velociter/ Death comes quickly Rapit nos atrociter/ Snatches us cruelly Nemini parcetur./ It spares no one.
Vivat academia!/ Long live the academy! Vivant professores!/ Long live the professors ! Vivat membrum quodlibet/ Long live each student! Vivant membra quaelibet/ Long live all students! Semper sint in flore./ May they always be in their prime! Vivant omnes virgines /Long live all girls Faciles, formosae./ Easy and beautiful! Vivant et mulieres/ Long live mature women also, Tenerae amabiles/ Tender and lovable Bonae laboriosae./ Good [and] productive. Vivat et respublica/ Long live the state as well et qui illam regit./ And he who rules it! Vivat nostra civitas,/ Long live our city Maecenatum caritas/[And] the charity of benefactors Quae nos hic protegit. /Which protects us here!
Pereat tristitia,/ Let sadness perish! Pereant osores./ Let haters perish! Pereat diabolus,/ Let the devil perish! Quivis antiburschius/ Let whoever is anti-student Atque irrisores./ As well as the mockers!
Quis confluxus hodie/ Why today such a multitude Academicorum?/ Of scholars? E longinquo convenerunt,/ Despite distance, despite weather, Protinusque successerunt/ They have gathered here together In commune forum./ For Philology's sake!
Vivat nostra societas,/ Long live our society, Vivant studiosi;/ Long live the scholars; Crescat una veritas/ May one truth grow Floreat fraternitas/ May the brotherhood flourish Patriae prosperitas./ [And] fatherland's prosperity.
Alma Mater floreat,/ May our Alma Mater thrive, Quae nos educavit;/ Which has educated us; Caros et commilitones,/ Friends and colleagues, where'er they are, Dissitas in regions/ Whether near or from afar, Sparsos, congregavit/ Heed her invitation.