Venite in fasinum, O spiritus tenebrarum Venite in fasinum, O spiritus tenebrarum
magne Asteroth te iubeo Implete hunc lapidem implete eum viribus sulfuratis vestris
Consumite eum iris vestris istas vires adsumem! lubeo te!
Venite in facinum, O spiritus tenebrarum Magne Asteroth, te iubeo consumite eum iris vestris consumite! Consumite! Consumite! istas vires adsumem, lubeo te! lubeo te! lubeo te! Lubeo! Lubeo te !
Expend your Rage! Expend your Rage! Expend your Rage!
Come into this talisman, O spirit of darkness Come into this talisman, O spirit of darkness Mighty Asteroth, I command you. Fill this stone, fill it with your Sulfurous powers. Expend your angers on it, those powers I will assume!
I command you! Come into this talisman, O spirit of darkness Mighty Asteroth, I command you.
Expend your angers on it! Expend! Expend! Expend! Those powers I will assume. I command you! I command! I command you!