M - Today we're learning something about the expression “SHUT UP !” M- Hi Cindy! C- Shut up! M- I beg your pardon? C- Shut up! M- Well, that’s not very nice, Cindy! C- I’m just kidding with you, Marta! ‘’Shut up’’ is actually the topic of today’s podcast! M- Oh, thank goodness! For a second there, I thought you were telling me to shut up! And I thought to myself- ‘’but I haven’t even spoken a single word yet!’’ C - No, I would never tell you to shut up, that would be a very RUDE thing to say. ‘’Shut up’’ is a very ABRUPT and IMPOLITE way to say be quiet, stop talking or stop making noise! M- So if telling someone to ‘’shut up’’ is not polite, why do we even need to talk about it? C- Because last week I was away on a trip and our first day something happened that got me thinking about the phrase ‘’shut up’’ and all the ways it is used nowadays. Interestingly enough a couple of them are not rude at all. M- So then I guess that would depend on many things? Like the context in which it’s said? Or the tone of voice used? For example: used in anger during an argument ...or just joking around with friends? C- Exactly! And there’s even a third way of using ‘’shut up’’. It’s to convey surprise or disbelief. M- OK, before we get into all three uses for ‘’shut up’’, let’s back up...where did you go last week? C- Paris! M- Lucky you! So what happened on your trip? Did you tell someone to shut up? C- Oh, I came very close, but I thought twice and realized it wasn’t worth it. Not only, but I felt there was a greater lesson to be learned from it- that even our individual actions affect all of those around us. M- What happened? C- It was funny, really. I was in my hotel, getting ready to go out and the windows were open to the street below. All of a sudden I heard a group of people talking. Loudly. At the end of the street. M- You could hear them all the way from the end of the street? C- The end. That’s how LOUD they were! Then the CHATTER started to grow and come closer. I thought it was a tour group! And when the noise and COMMOTION had stopped directly under my window I realized it was just 4 Americans! M- Only four people? C- Only four - two men & two women making enough noise for a tour group! The entire street (now, imagine a nice, quiet residential area of Paris filled with high rise apartments- windows open to the sun) they had all been witness to this. Oh Marta! They were so loud! Voices like loudspeakers RICOCHETING off the cement buildings and filling the street! M- That’s really funny! C- It wasn’t funny worth a darn at the time! Ok, so anyways, they didn’t enter the hotel but decided to take pictures of each other and remained YAPPING at full volume under my bathroom window! M- How annoying?! C- Awful! And I haven’t gotten to the best part yet! M- What’s that? C- The man who inspired this whole idea for a podcast! M- Oh no! C- As the chaos rumbled below my window and they passed the camera between each other for photos, one of the women SPOKE UP and said ‘’Now y’all I want a photo of the three of you!” (They were Southerners, hence the southern accent) M- Oh, okay. I was wondering why you switched voices? C- There are regional differences in American accents. I have to make it authentic! So the head-loud talker, the alpha male, the king of the jungle- I’ll call him ‘’Stan’’. Stan pipes up and responds with ‘’Hurry up!’’ And she says ‘’Oh, just one more, picture of the three y’all!’’ Stan’s response: ‘’Hurry up! Cause’ I gotta pee!’’ M- No! C- Yes. He did. Full volume. Stan the Man had just informed an entire residential street in the 16th arrondissement of the status of his bladder. Yes. He did. Thank you, Stan the Man. M- Oh my goodness! C- I was astounded. Does that information really need to be broadcast at full volume? M - No. C - The group then disburse