EXCESS BAGGAGE : Suitcases beyond the normal allowance for that particular flight. Check online with your carrier because these allowances and restrictions can vary greatly.
WINDOW SEAT : A seat located next to a window, preferred by those who enjoy the view.
AISLE SEAT: A seat located on the aisle.
MIDDLE SEAT: Nobody wants this one! ? It’s the seat located between the window and aisle seats.
TAKE OFF: The period of time when the aircraft accelerates quickly and leaves the runway to take flight.
TOUCH DOWN: The end of the flight when the aircraft decends slowly and makes contact once again with the runway.
MOTION SICKNESS / BEING AIRSICK: A disturbance of the inner ear caused by motion creating nausea, vomiting or dizziness.
DOMESTIC DEPARTURE: A departure that begins and ends in the same country. For example from New York to Los Angeles.
INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS : Flights that begin in one country but land in another. EXAMPLE: New York to Paris.
DIRECT FLIGHT: A flight that connects from one city or country to another without stopping and switching planes.
STOPOVER or LAYOVER: Stopping in one city for a period of time before switching planes and continuing onto your final destination. ATTENTION: Some airports can be very large and complicated to manuever through. You may have to take a shuttle bus or monorail train to get from one section to another. Be sure to allow yourself plenty of time so that you don’t have to run or maybe miss your connecting flight!
CHECK IN (BAGGAGE): The suitcases that are “checked in’’ with airport personnel and stored beneath the plane during flight. Be sure NOT to leave your medications, expensive electronics, jewelry or any items of value in your “check in” bags.
CARRY ON BAGS: The bags you carry with you onto the plane. Example: Purse, computer bag or small suitcase.
GO THROUGH SECURITY: Security is the first stop you make after you are issued your boarding passes. Security can be quite thorough. During security checks, officers will x-ray your carry on bags and personal belongings. You will be asked to show all your boarding passes, identification and pass through a metal detector as well.
OVERHEAD COMPARTMENT: The airplane storage cabinets located above the seats where you are to store your belongings during a flight.
GATE: The numbered doors and passages that connect airport terminals to the planes for departures and arrivals. Example: “ My flight to New York leaves from Terminal 2 at Gate B-10”
TO BOARD: To get on the plane.
BOARDING PASS: The ticket that allows you entrance to the plane. You will not be allowed on a flight without a BOARDING PASS.
BAGGAGE CLAIM: The area of the airport where all suitcases are delivered and passengers can then pick them up from a moving conveyor belt. If your bags do not arrive, go to the baggage office corresponding to your airline company and fill out a “LOST BAGGAGE REPORT”.
TURBULENCE / BUMPY RIDE: “Bumps” in the journey caused by wind.
COMPLIMENTARY: Free. EXAMPLE: On this flight, we offer a complimentary beverage.’’
JET LAG: Exhaustion or confusion brought on by a difference in time between your states or countries of departure and arrival. For example: New York is 6 hours earlier than Rome.