kinna tafa2na nhar//we would have agreed one day lawla e7tara2na bnar//haven't we been burned with fire ne23od sawa na7ki ya 7abibi//we would have sit together my beloved ma nektom el asrar//we wouldn't have kept the secrets nemchi sawa el mechwar//we'd walk the journey together ne2arrer sawa we ne5tar//we'd decide and choose together welli nwaja3 menna ya 7abibi//and whoever gets hurt of us ma y5abi wala ya7tar//shouldn't hide or become perplexed
2oulili za3lane//tell me you're sad 2oulili ta3bane//tell me you're tired 2oulili zeh2ane//tell me you're bored bas a7kili chi//just tell me anything mech 7ayati tkooni we bla7za ma tkooni tghibi 3an 3youni 3aghafle we temchi// not that you be my life and in one moment you stop being my life,you got off my sight suddenly and leave
yalli ma3andi balak//Oh all I have 7amellni yalla balak//come one ,let me carry your burden kel edeni la shoo ya 7abibi ma 3echta ana wayak//what is the use of life haven't we lived it together 3am bes2alak mawjoo3 2ool//i'm asking you if you're hurt so tell la tghayer el mawdd3//don't change the subject kan el 7akihayen ya 7abibi//talking was so easy my beloved sar el 7aki mamnoo3//and it became forbiden