My hope is war, when society falls, Face of democracy's awful and scary. I want to kill, i'm loosing control, Life badly spoiled - carnage is necessary.
When our shrines are burnt and defamed, Spits from above fall thicker and faster, We do not want to be bricks in the wall, We feel our guilt in impending disaster.
My hope is war!! (2 singalong)
War like solution, like unique exit Eats every cell of your vicious body. World will be shaken, trembled all over! It is a lesson, forgiven to study..
Two mortal sins of sodom and gomorrah Reincarnated today in your city. War, only war can stop it,to my sorrow, Million of corpses and thousand pities.
Annihilation of human race started, Earth now is mottled with weapon and conflcts. War cuts the Gordian knot of abstention, Misunderstanding and horrific weakness.
My hope is war!! (2 singalong)
War like solution, like unique exit Eats every cell of your vicious body. World will be shaken, trembled all over! It is a lesson, forgiven to study.