dare yori mo utsukushī watashi no kao wa ikareta kaodachi shita busu ga watashi wo netanda
gesuna kageguchi to o soroi no kao wa Their faces looking like cut-up fish innards without kassaba ita sakana de keshō-shina Make-up go well with their conniving gossip arukeba ma nukena otoko ga yottekuru Whenever I'm going out, all these idiotic guys are dare ni wakaru ka ne? kono kimochīi approaching me. Doesn't anyone understand it? This feeling.
mina ni iwareta tokubetsu na ko to Everyone's been telling that peculiar girl shōjo no kokoro mushibanda that her heart is corrupted. jibun tsukuroi kao wo totonoe I prepare my face kyō mo watashi wa ikite iku to continue living today aswell
munashisa wo daite kuruizaku The emptiness engulfs and devours me, fusagi kondenaita as I collapsed crying eien ni wa My beauty narenaito has to last forever!
孤独, 怒り, 白い目 kodoku、 ikari、 shiroi me、 Loneliness, anger, cold eyes, 抱え込んで泣いた kakae kondenaita I took it inside me and cried. 誰も信じ dare mo shinji I can't trust られないと rarenaito anyone
昨日よりも美しい kinō yori mo utsukushī They're all jealous that my face is even more 私の顔は watashi no kao wa beautiful than yesterday 明日はもっと美しく ashita wa motto utsukushīku and tomorrow it will be 皆が私を妬んだ mina ga watashi wo netanda even more beautiful again.
内心望むはお触りの先さ naishin nozomu wa o sawari no sakisa Their secret wish 重なる快楽に舌つづみ kasanaru kairaku ni shita tsuzumi is to touch and ravish me 誘えば間抜な男が寄って来る sasoeba ma nukena otoko ga yottekuru When I tease them, all these idiotic guys start approaching me. ええじゃないか ええじゃないか 今だけさ ee janai ka? eejanai ka? ima dakesa It's fine, right? It's fine, right? Just this time.
皆に言われた軽い女と mina ni iwareta karui on'na to Everyone told this easy girl 女の心蝕んだ on'na no kokoro mushibanda that her heart is corrupted. 髪を梳して 顔を整え kami wo tokashite, kao wo totonoe I comb my hair and prepare my face, 今日の私も魅力的 kyō no watashi mo miryokuteki looking stunning again today.
悲しさを垉いて狂い泣く kanashisa wo daite kurui naku The sadness engulfed and devoured me, 化粧落し泣いた keshō otoshīnaita makeup running down my crying face. 永遠には eien ni wa My beauty has to last なれないと narenaito forever!
心、身体、年月 kokoro, karada, nengetsu, My heart, my body, everything 少しづつ変わって sukoshizutsu kawatte keeps changing bit by bit. こんなの嫌だ kon'na no iyada! I hate it! 助けてよ tasukete yo! Someone, save me!
誰ヨリ、誰ヨリ、誰ヨリサ dare yori, dare yori, dare yori sa I'm prettier than anyone, than anyone, than anyone!
皆ニ言ワレタアノ子変ダト mina ni iwareta ano ko hen dato Everyone told that eccentric girl 女ノ自我ヲ蝕ンダ on'na no jiga wo mushibanda that her feminine pride is messed up. 髪ヲ毟シテ 顔ヲ刻ンデ kami wo mushite, kao wo kizande Plucking out my hair and cutting up my face... 今ノ私綺麗デスカ? ima no watashi kirei desu ka? Am I beautiful now?
喜ビヲ垉イテ狂イ咲ク yorokobi wo daite kuruizaku The pleasure engulfed and devoured me, 皆ニ顔ヲ見セタ mina ni kao wo miseta as I showed my face to everyone 私ハ watashi ha I will be 永遠ニナル eien ni naru forever now!
醜イ顔ノ処女ノ minikui kao no shōjo no Who'll know of 最期ハ誰ガ知ル saigo wa dare ga shiru this ugly virgin's last breaths? イツノ間ニカ itsuno no aida nika And before she knew it, 死ンデマシタ shindemashita