Ja Nechci Mnoho Trapiti... (I Don't Want, Sirs, To Pester Your Ears...)
"Satrapold": I don't want, sirs, to pester Your ears, When it's time to drink And pay off our debts to thirst.
But let me tell you just one thing Something I need to say Before I enter the castle chambers Together with you:
I am your captain from now on And my quest is, To give my word to the laws Where crime casts a shadow. I am Von Satrapold, as my father was I am also known in court, Where high society pays a tribute to me, I like to confess!
How beautiful the decoration is Belgian velvet on the walls! Before the glass is full We crack down on that rabble!
My vesture is of silk And I want to say boldly That we'll play a trick on that devil So that he snivels in a cell!
chorus of drunken officers: He is our captain from now on And his quest is, to give his word to laws Where crime casts a shadow, He is Von Satrapold, as his father was He is also known at court, Where high society pays a tribute to him So long may he live!