Льётся свет небесных звёзд Имя каждой знает наш Творец Вся вселенная поёт Как велик наш чудный Бог Отец
Льётся слава с небес И любовь из сердец
Бог Великий, Словом Своим Возродил нас к жизни Ты Бог Великий, нет другого как Ты Кто, нас простил, возлюбил и … спас
Ты являешь чудеса Открывая для Себя сердца Солнца свет, мерцание звёзд Нам являют милости Творца
KING OF WONDERS CompassionArt By Matt Redman : Tim Hughes : Joel Houston
C - 01023x C/E - 010230 Csus4 - 010330 G/B - 330020 or - 300020 F - 112331 Am - 012200 Dm - 132000 Em7 - 000020 or - 330220
Verse1: C G/B We could try to count the stars C/E F C G/B C/E F You already know them each by name Am G/B Every single galaxy C/E F Am G/B C/E F Is Your design In majesty displayed
Pre-Chorus: Dm C Your glory shines before our eyes F Am G/B The more we see, the more we love You
Chorus: C Csus4 C King of wonders, we stand amazed F There's no other, other than You Am F King of wonders, You know the way to our hearts F Am C/E F And the more we see, the more we love You
Verse2: C G/B You reveal and we respond C/E F C Em7 C/E F You have shown there's no one like You God Am G/B Your love and mercy welcome us C/E F Am C/E F Into the beauty of this holiness
Bridge: Dm C Your glory shines before our eyes F Am G The more we see, the more we love You
Chorus x2 Bridge Chorus x2
Outro: Am C/E F Am C/E F
***************************** IN G ******************************
G - 330023 D/F# - 332002 - Dsus4/F# G/B - 330020 C - 330230 - C2 Em - 330220 - Em7 Am - 012200 G* - 300023 Gsus4 - 310023 Bm7 - 202020
Verse1: G D/F# We could try to count the stars G/B C G D/F# G/B C You already know them each by name Em D/F# Every single galaxy G/B C Em D/F# G/B C Is Your design In majesty displayed
Pre-Chorus: Am G Your glory shines before our eyes C Em D/F# The more we see, the more we love You
Chorus: G* Gsus4 G* King of wonders, we stand amazed C There's no other, other than You Em C King of wonders, You know the way to our hearts C Em G/B C And the more we see, the more we love You
Verse2: G D/F# You reveal and we respond G/B C G Bm7 G/B C You have shown there's no one like You God Em D/F# Your love and mercy welcome us G/B C Em G/B C Into the beauty of this holiness
Bridge: Am G Your glory shines before our eyes C Em D The more we see, the more we love You