No-one knows how it started And no-one cares when it's over, The only thing that's alive is just hate.
All the time thinking about it I realize now how defenceless we are Falling deeper and deeper inside what they made.
Everybody's got tickets to the circus of metal heart.
Just one step Away from where we stand Turns to catastrophe, This game is over. All the same Things I'd have never changed Are suddenly going to another form of life...
They accept their reality Being proud of this ability, Change their dresses as fast as a whore.
I can see no humanity There I can't sleep, all my hopes fell on me, Cannot take all this pressure again anymore.
Just one step Away from where we stand Turns to catastrophe, This game is over (over now). All the same Things I'd have never changed Are suddenly going to another form of life or just another form of lie.
As I lose my reason suffocating The circus's marking their win and the planet is dancing its last waltz.