Kenare sibo razeghi neshaste atre asheghi Man az tabare khastegi bikhabar az delbastegi... ashegham Habr shodam seda shodi, Shah shodam geda shodi Sheer shodam ghalam shodi, Eshgh shodam to gham shodi
Leylaye man, Daryaye man, Asoode dar royaye man In lahze dar havaye to, Gomshode dar sedaye to Man ashegham majnoone ro, Gomgashte dar baroone to
Majnoone leyli bikhabar dar koochehaye darbedar Masto parishoon o kharab, Har arezoo naghshe bar ab Shayad ke roozi aghebat aroom begirad dar delat
Kenare har setarehi neshaste abre parehi Man az tabare sadegi bikhabar az deldadegi... ashegham Mah shod shodam abr shodi, Ashk shodam sabr shodi Barf shodam ab shodi, Ghesse shodam khab shodi next to my heart I smell love I'm so tired that sometimes I forget I'm falling in love I'm in love I became the sky, you became my voice. I became the boss, you became homeless I became a song, you became my pencil. I became in love, you got sad
My leyla, my everything, you're sitting quite in my dreams These times I spend with you, I'm getting lost in I'm in love with you, I will get lost for you
you don't know how I would go after you tired, drunk and in love, every single one of my dreams are getting further from maybe someday you'll realize this in your heart
next to each star (referring to the girl as a star), there is a guy (himself) trying so hard cause of my easiness, I forgot I was falling i love I'm in love I became the moon, you became the sky. I became tears, you became waited I became snow, you became water. I became music, you went to sleep.