everywhere i go i stroll around and to the side every so often i might fall over to the left and the right i never could hold on no matter how hard i try stumble tumble fumble ahhh maybe next week maybe next month
now i know i'm no picasso but i feel like a blue soul face twisted and my wrists sore from when i fell down a stairwell hell let's try and make a combo face first then the legs will follow crashing bashing lashing ahh maybe next time after the next wine
one drink for my trouble two drinks for my love three drinks to blind my pain and then another one for my wobble now i'm wollowing and morbidly formed i can say for sure i'm scorned now i'm walking right home to my bed to try to dream it all away
i don't know how i can even keep it going screaming every night into the morning wake up early and start my groaning my bodies freezing as it starts snowing the midwest aint the best for a night's rest when your falling on your face and you break your chest wild child trying to survive but the winter aint mild
you might say that you're pushing yourself down and your the only man standing in your way then you'd prolly say your drinking till your drowned don't you know it's your body that will pay and i could say that your crazy and a liar too but in the back of my mind i'd know the truth i've had it fanatic i'm basically an addict pulling apart my heart it's problematic
well i couldn't say live or die i can only say that'll i try well i could say life or death but i know it'd be a wasted breath deep in my blood bleeding out through love all my problems flash into a flood one more bartender one more please i got a whole lot of pain to drink out of me