I nearly blew right by in my hurry to the subway When I heard someone say, “Isn’t autumn lovely?” And as I stopped to observe that this was correct To the proprietor, I couldn’t help but inspect The folding table by the railing laden with her goods: Ashtrays made of metal; little angels made of wood; Hand mirror with the handle broken (still pretty nice); Wall-wart to charge a telephone; trays to make ice The advice of my neighbor, “Go ahead, take your time We’ll negotiate price on whatever you find.” And then shining in the detritus, I saw the brightest Flash of something precious. I began to feel the slightest Little tingle in my innards. I was like, “What’s that?” Then her bare-tooth chuckle, “It’s a buckle for a strap On a hat, like a lady wears to court or church But it holds a special property. I’ll tell you how it works.”
[Hook] It was a stoop sale Which is a garage sale if you live in Brooklyn Which I do And at the stoop sale Which is like a yard sale except that it’s in Brooklyn I got my due
Somehow I knew she was serious. I reached to pick it up But she stayed my hand. Her reprimand, it was abrupt “This little trinket,” she said, “grants wishes It can make everything you ever eat delicious It can take away concern so you can sleep at night Can make the love of your life and you reunite Can right wrongs done in your past or in your future
Make a winner out of whoever whoever owns it roots for But it only ever does one thing As you take possession of it, that’s the wish to which it clings So choose very carefully before we make a deal If there’s anything impossible you want to make real If there’s anything improbable you’d like to assure It will happen. And that’s when you have to endure The regret that accompanies said decision-making: All the other wishes in the world that you’ve forsaken.”
Could it be true? I wondered as I stared at the clasp Would some skills on the microphone be too much to ask? Had a couple dark notions that involved revenge Fame, glory, money, people love me and it never ends Shook these from my head like they were so much sleep And thought instead I’d pretend that I was so much deep As to offer every human in the world true peace So that we never kill each other, never get cooties Never go hungry, suffer shelterlessness This generosity I felt compelled to dismiss By my greed to see an old friend back living If I go the wrong direction, though, could I ever be forgiven? While I stood daydreaming, somebody’d got a hold Of this little brass buckle, and he must have been so bold As to put it in his pocket without it getting bought Saw him do it. He was wishing that he wouldn’t get caught
MC Frontalot - Stoop Sale - Текст Песни http://www.megalyrics.ru/lyric/mc-frontalot/stoop-sale.htm#ixzz4KJfrWVbO