Uhh uhh, we could make love, like Pablo make drugs/ Or Lil Wayne make bloods, or Snoop Dogg make cuz/ All night, Red Bull, wake up/ Break up, Cover girl, make up/ Bring her back to the world, Jesussssss/ Happy as a birthday, so caked up/ That'll blow the candles out/ Liberace diamonds, gonna bring pianos out/ Sing you a song, this other red-bone who want me to come home, but I take the Mickey Mantle route/ Knock her out the park yea, and you the bat that I knock her out the park with/ We a Maybach, she a smart whip/ See we long term, and they aren't/are rent/ Want you to have my car seat, that'll make 'em so car sick/ If they see how high our car sit, on a 26 ?????/ Anyone to come and try and park it/ Uh, or keep it on the side/ All green lights, crumbs on the bottom/ Sprinkles on the top, cream in the middle/ Fresh out the oven, girl your so hoootttt!/