Ala Babi AMAREEN ... Арабская песня ... ВК : Zolfy kobani
على بابى واقف قمرين 3la babe wa2f 2mareen at my door, two moons are standing واحد بالسما wa7ed bel sama when's in the sky والتانى أغلى من العين el tane aghla men el 3ain and the second is more precious than the eye بيفهم بالوما beyfhm bel wama he.she understands (me) with sings (without a need for talk) على بابى على بابى 3la babe ela babe at my door at my door واقف قمرين wa2ef 2mareen two moons are standing ** ياقمرنا بالليالى ya 2marna bel layale oh moon in nights نحنا العاشقين ne7na el a3she2en we're the lovers طالع فى العلالى tal3 fe el 3alale you're so high خلينا سهرانين khaleena sahraneen let us stay awake ** وأنا وأنتا يانور العين w ana w enta ya nour el 3ein and me and you oh the eye's light روح وساكنه فى جسدين rou7 w sakna fe jasadeen we are one soul living in two bodies والناس عندا قمر el nas 3enda 2mr people have one moon على بابى واقف قمرين 3la babe wa2f 2mareen at my door, two moons are standing
واحد بالسما wa7ed bel sama when's in the sky والتانى أغلى من العين el tane aghla men el 3ain and the second is more precious than the eye بيفهم بالوما beyfhm bel wama he.she understands (me) with sings (without a need for talk) على بابى على بابى 3la babe ela babe at my door at my door واقف قمرين wa2ef 2mareen two moons are standing ** ياقمرنا بالليالى ya 2marna bel layale oh moon in nights نحنا العاشقين ne7na el a3she2en we're the lovers طالع فى العلالى tal3 fe el 3alale you're so high خلينا سهرانين khaleena sahraneen let us stay awake **
وأنا وأنتا يانور العين w ana w enta ya nour el 3ein and me and you oh the eye's light روح وساكنه فى جسدين rou7 w sakna fe jasadeen we are one soul living in two bodies والناس عندا قمر el nas 3enda 2mr people hav