喩え何者と相撃とうとも 共に立つと決めたならば その思いを貫くこと セイギノミカタのその姿 tatoe dare to ai utou tomo tomo ni tatsu to kimeta naraba sono omoi o tsuranuku koto seigi no mikata no sono sugata
No matter who you attack together with if you’ve decided to stand up together holding true to her beliefs behold the hero of justice
haruka takaku mezashite, yatte kuru kage no aru naraba tomo ni mezasu 「risou」 o, wakachi aeba to negai wa suredomo kono risou no sekai ni, tachi mukau mono no aru naraba sore wa tsuyoki monotachi, warera o itsu ka shiitageru monotachi
Aiming far and high, if there are coming shadows, though you may wish to share your ideal “revolution” you aim for, if there’s anyone who opposes this ideal world, those are the strong ones, those who will someday push us down
力弱きものを、遍く照らす光 かくも遠き理想―“それ” を正義と呼ぶのだ
chikara yowaki mono o, amaneku terasu hikari kakumo tooki risou ― “sore” o seigi to yobu no da
A light that shines far and wide, on the powerless Such a distant ideal ― we call “that” justice
喩え何者と相撃とうとも その手を取ると決めたならば 全てを倒す針となる セイギノミカタがここにいる
tatoe dare to ai utou tomo sono te o toru to kimeta naraba subete o taosu ken to naru seigi no mikata ga koko ni iru
No matter who you attack together with if you’ve decided to take that hand acting as a needle sword to vanquish all foes the hero of justice is right here
― tate yo!
― Rise up!
kumi suru mono, hitori to shiteinai kirawaremono
Most detested being, Amanojaku, who had not a single ally
・・・であるが故。孤独が為。 その手を差し伸べることを選んだのか。
…de aru ga yue. kodoku ga tame. sono te o sashi noberu koto o eranda no ka.
…because of what you are. For the solitude. Is that why you chose to reach out a helping hand?
―kakagu risou ni, sasagu omoi o.
―Prepare to devote your feelings, to the sailing ideals.
―kataru risou ni, sasagu kakugo o.
―Prepare to devote yourself, to the deceitful ideals.
忘れられた歴史を、語る者がいたとして それが果たして虚飾でも、それでもけして変わらないものがある
wasurerareta rekishi o, kataru mono ga ita toshite sore ga hatashite kyoshoku demo, sore demo keshite kawaranai mono ga aru
If there was someone who spoke, of your people’s forgotten history though that may be just for show as you’d expect, there are still things that’ll never change
力弱きものが、故に虚偽を固めた 紛い物の理想―“それ” でも正義と呼ぶのだ
chikara yowaki mono ga, yue ni kyogi o katameta magai mono no risou― “sore” demo seigi to yobu no da
Therefore, the weakling secured her lies Such a false ideal ― we call “that” justice anyways
喩えそれが偽りでも 心に望むものがいれば 五分の魂全て賭す セイギノミカタは譲らない
tatoe sore ga itsuwari demo kokoro ni nozomu mono ga ireba gobun no tamashii subete tosu seigi no mikata wa yuzuranai
Even if it might be a lie as long as you have a desire in your heart risking it all with all her might the hero of justice won’t surrender
喩え何者と相撃とうとも 共に立つと決めたならば その思いを貫くこと セイギノミカタのその姿
tatoe dare to ai utou tomo tomo ni tatsu to kimeta naraba sono omoi o tsuranuku koto seigi no mikata no sono sugata
No matter who you attack together with if you’ve decided to stand up together holding true to her beliefs behold the hero of justice
― tate yo!
―Rise up!
kumi suru mono, hitori toshite inai kobito no hime
Princess of the kobito, who had not a single ally
…であるが故。孤独が為。 その手を共に携えるものを願ったか。
…de aru ga yue. kodoku ga tame. sono te o tomo ni tazusaeru mono o negatta ka.
…because of what you are. For the solitude. Did you wish for people to stand hand in hand with?
― tate yo!!
―Rise up!!
kumi suru koto, hitotoki no ayamachi de owattemo
Being an ally, even if it all ends with a brief mistake
…それでも良い。駒でもいい。 そうして繰り返す歴史に背を向けながら。
…sore demo ii. koma demo ii. sou shite kuri kaesu rekishi ni se o mukenagara.
…that’s fine anyways. Being a pawn doesn’t matter. In being so, it was all while turning your back to your repeating history.