(speaking) I'm sorry Twilight, but when you're Princess you can't just stay in the library, you'll have to go out for ceremonies and the like. Well when I'm crowned, that will be the first thing to go. Not so long as I'm around as the head. Well in that case I'll start a democracy with Luna. Mm, nice try, but you're not a princess yet. But I will be soon. But you aren't yet, and with that attitude you're shaping up to be a pretty poor princess indeed Not the way I see it.
(singing) I'm gonna be the best princess, with wings beyond compare Well I've never seen a princess win fans with such boring hair My mane will be the main event, ten times the size of yours My magic strong enough to sway a thousand dragon ROARS Less than ten's a rather..uninspiring thing.
Oh I just can't wait to have wings!
You've got a longer way to go than I thought, now, if you think-- Reading every hour -------- Now what sort of--? Learning stronger magic -------- Well I don't know about--- Assigning my own homework -------- You want more of--? Automatic A+! -------- A+?!
Group study for us all day Well that's definitely out We'll relearn things all my way
I think it's time your parents came in for a little talk I outgrew those parent teacher meetings long ago
If this is where the monarchy is headed, count me in, For an aspirin, for a stiff cider, before the headaches win This foal will get wildly out of wing
Oh I just can't wait to have wings
Everypony look east Everypony look west Everywhere you look there's Twilight sunsets!
Not yet!
The sky will sparkle under her command! She'll be the fairest one in all the land! It's gonna be Twilight's big shining stand!
Oh I just can't wait to have wings Oh I just can't wait to have wings Oh I just can't waaaaaaaait To have wings!
I beg your pardon, Macintosh, but...GET OFF! Eeeenope.