al naharot bavel sham yashavnu gam bachinu bezochrenu et tzion al aravim betocha talinu kinoroteinu ki sham she'elunu shoveny divrei shir vetolelei simcha shiru lanu meshir tzion ech nashir et shir asham al admat nechar
him eshkachech yerushalaim tishkach yemini tidbak leshoni lechiki him lo ezkarechi him lo aale et yerushlaim al rosh simchati[x2]
al naharot bavel sham yashavnu gam bachinu bezochrenu et tzion al aravim betocha talinu kinoroteinu ki sham she'elunu shoveny divrei shir vetolelei simcha shiru kanu meshir tzion ech nashir et shir asham al admat nechar
him eshkachech yerushalaim tishkach yemini tidbak leshoni lechiki him lo ezkarechi him lo aale et yerushlaim al rosh simchati[x3]
Submitted by THIEBDOM on Wed, 09/03/2016 - 10:54 Align paragraphs English translation By the rivers of Babylon
By the rivers of Babylon There we sat (and) also wept When we remembered Zion* On willows in its midst We hanged up our harps For there our captors asked of us (For) words of songs and tormented us (with) mirth: 'Sing to us from the song of Zion' How will we sing the song of God On a foreign land?
If I will forget you Jerusalem My right hand will forget (its skill) My tongue will stick to the roof of my mouth If I will not remember you If I will not raise Jerusalem Above** my happiness***
By the rivers of Babylon There we sat (and) also wept When we remembered Zion On willows in its midst We hanged up our harps For there our captors asked of us (For) words of songs and tormented us (with) mirth: 'Sing to us from the song of Zion' How will we sing the song of God On a foreign land?
If I will forget you Jerusalem My right hand will forget (its skill) My tongue will stick to the roof of my mouth If I will not remember you If I will not raise Jerusalem Above my happiness