Failure, is the only basis of the life you have. so success can not be stable, if you like to gas your minds capacity, this life's a mess for any1 alive and actually, we all are meant to likely die eventually. might as well invest in keys, and molest the V's; never use protection please, and collect them STDS; don't forget to share the love, with any person next to me; infect the rest with a disease, and make em rest in peace. fight police, strive to be a psycho on the mic like me; get sentenced in a penitentiary for life and knife a G. dislike, what the rest believes, light the best of trees; never get digested by the cycle of the mental weak, every week ingest LSD, and don't forget ecstasy. Take enough, until you feel the rush, and let the demeans free. or till you burn a hole in stomach, and your intestines bleed, the fuck out, neva come down shot that meth and be, nothing less, then a hectic fiend chug the promethisiene, we both know life gets only harder like a cast I know you smell the truth, when reality wipes her ass with the proudest part of your personality it gets even worse when you lie to me, and try to be my motivation, but I tend to base my life from what i saw and tasted, rather then hope, and patience,