TRACKLISTING: 1. Calypso Radio 2. Welcome to War 3. The One From Dark (London Nebel Remix) 4. Marshland Marauder (Ponicz Remix) 5. Soul Scraper (Samplifire Remix) 6. The Man With The Strange Ring (Code Pandorum Remix) 7. Welcome to Black Rock (break) 8. Attack of the Giant Leeches (Figure Remix) 9. Deathmatch (Obey Remix) 10. The Old Game (Spag Heddy Remix) 11. Revenge of the Meta Knight (The Frim Remix) 12. Pillow Talk (Nostalgia Remix) 13. A Very Calypso Christmas (break) 14. Deathmatch (Krimer Remix) 15. The Good, The Bad & The Gecko (Axel Boy Remix) 16. The Screm Squad (Dack Janiels Remix) 17. Deathmatch (Haunta Remix) 18. Welcome to Watkins Harbor (break) 19. H.A.L. (Uber Remix) 20. The Scream Squad (XaeboR Remix) 21. Headzipper (Creation Remix) 22. Bunny Bass (Wikidill Remix) 23. The Statue Planet Scandal! (Jam P R D Remix) 24. Moonajuana (P0gman Remix) 25. Basement Bitches (Phiso Remix) 26. The One From Dark (VIP) 27. Welcome to the End