I'm sitting on the Graveyard and I'm waiting for my Dear to Come Now she's laying six feet under and her body is in deadly numb Her flesh is now decaying and the face half-eaten by the worms She looks like ghostly Meat-Ball but I realize it could be worse
And tonight we both belong to the Dead And the Tombstone will be out Martial Bed The Zombies crawl around us Scream to gnaw at my bones But we cannot stop to make our love And sing the Graveyard lovesong
She's started eat my muscles And I see the hunger in her eyes She's never been so horny And her bloody lust will never die I can't resist my zombie Cannot leave my undead lovely girl Together we'll be damned And together we'll belong to hell
And tonight we both belong to the dead And the Tombstone will be out Martial Bed The Zombies crawl around us Scream to gnaw at my bones But we cannot stop to make our love And sing the Graveyard lovesong