Seemingly tormented by all you do Making a long face at the slightest excuse Getting worked up even if it's just a joke Seemingly about to break down, it's no good like this Suddenly being poked and prodded Taking off from right in front of you Way way too bold of you, This mean-spirited teasing that leaves me tingling While being fooled and tricked by you countless times over I who have gradually come to notice these feelings Is having my heart titillated by this person who keeps going on like that That's why if it's only a little bit, Could it hurt to go against my better judgment and have things all go to pot? Aggressively exploited, a fondness full of weak points, It's what you did and yet... I won't overlook this, I won't forgive this! Falling in head over heels, "I need you..." Painfully teasing those gentle weak points of mine, Feeling like I want to cry, "I need you..." I who've been dyed pure-white in shock won't run from becoming your burden to take care of But even so, I won't give in! I won't lose myself in your sweet temptations If I just go with my feelings, I'll get all embarrassed My sense of color will most likely go all out of whack The unstoppable things inside my hear are filling me to the brim and about to spill over That's why I'd like you to be a bit gentler with me While being fooled and tricked by you countless times over I who lapse into a deep sense of gloom My thoughts and feelings sway to the point it's dire My sense and intuition seemingly being toyed with If I realize it, becoming afraid and unable to go back Those moments of goodbye are instants of pain in my heart The outlook for tomorrow seemingly stormy once again Unable to predict anything, not understanding what is happening Falling in head over heels, "I need you..." Slow to mount a response to this state of emergency Feeling like I want to cry, "I need you..." Even when I close my eyes that vision of you is frolicking about causing all kinds of trouble Bumping into you unexpectedly every day Meeting guarantees some kind of catastrophe Well-prepared and giving me no chance to react Driven into a corner, trembling and giving in But refusing to accept it, I keep pushing on obstinately Always being driven mad by everything about you Always, always acting like there's absolutely nothing good about you Tossing a grenade full of innocence and naivete Encounters packed full of drama Always saying stupid make me sick! I'm only gonna write about your bad points in my diary I won't overlook this, I won't forgive this! Falling in head over heels, "I need you..." Painfully teasing those gently weak points of mine, Feeling like I want to cry, "I need you..." Unable to predict anything, not understanding what is happening Falling in head over heels, "I need you..." Slow to mount a response to this state of emergency Feeling like I want to cry, "I need you..." Continuously simmering Having been held at arms-length Being kept waiting is no good, "I need you!" Somehow I am still here wavering and being reluctant I'm gonna explode, "I need you" Mistakes in rapid succession, a round-the-clock state of chaos Just about anything and everything, "I believe you..." I who've been dyed pure-white in shock won't run from being your burden to take care of