Miley - There's a photo of me being kissed by a dude, And Annie Leibovitz tryin'a get me nude, For those of you who think that's very crude... I'm sorry that I'm not perfect!
I never stole a necklace or got a DUI, I never cheated on my wife like that golfer guy, So what, you can see a little boob from the side... I'm sorry that I'm not perfect! And sure, I danced on a pole, And people called it sinning, But at least I didn't date a porn star, And tell everyone 'I'm winning'!
(A Guy And A Girl Walk On Stage)
Girl - She never made a dirty tape and passed it along, Guy - She didn't text a photo of her dong, Miley - Don't both of these things seem worse than a bong... ! I'm sorry, I'm so Sorry, I'm really sorry... THAT I'm NOT PERFECT!