Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere. Hands in the air like we don’t care. 'Cause we came to have so much fun, now. Bet somebody here might be The One, now...
If you’re not ready to go home. Can I get a "Hell no!" 'Cause we gonna go all night. 'Till we see the Sunlight, alright.
So... la, da, di, da, di... We like to party. Dancing you and me, Doing whatever we want... And, this is our house. And, this is our rules.
And we can’t stop. And we won’t stop. Can’t you see it’s We who own the night? Can’t you see it We who about "That life?" And we can’t stop. And we won’t stop. We run things. Things don’t run We... Don’t take nothin' from nobody. Yeah, Yeah!