Hallelujah la o lam, Hallelujah, ya shi ru ku lam, Be mi la a chat bo de da, Ha lev ma le ba ha mon to da, Ve ho lem gam hu ei ze o lam nif la.
Hallelujah, im ha shir, Hallelujah, al yom she me ir. Hallelujah, al ma she ha ya, ya, U ma she od lo ha ya, hallelujah.
Hallelujah la o lam, Hallelujah, ya shi ru ku lam, Ve ha in ba lim ha gdo lim Ye had he du ba ha mon tzli lim, Ve i ta nu hem yom ru hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Hallelujah, im ha shir, Hallelujah, al yom she me ir. Hallelujah, al ma she ha ya, ya, U ma she od lo ha ya, hallelujah.
Hallelujah al ha kol, hallelu al ma char ve et mol. Hallelujah, u tnu yad be yad, Ve shi ru mi lev e chad, Hallelujah.
Hallelujah, im ha shir, Hallelujah, al yom she me ir. Hallelujah, al ma she ha ya, ya, U ma she od lo ha ya, hallelujah. U ma she od lo ha ya, hallelujah!
(This song won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1979 for Israel. Lyrics by Shimrit Or. Brought to you by: Kurt.Woloch@brz.gv.at)
Source: http://www.lyricsondemand.com/
****************************** Hallelujah, sing a song Hallelujah, we'll follow along With a simple word, a single word We'll bless the sky, the tree, the bird And we'll fill out heart with joy Hallelujah
Hallelujah, sounds of love Hallelujah, the sunshine above Hallelujah, the bells will go ringing And dinging from dawn 'till night Hallelujah
Hallelujah, day by day Hallelujah, don't throw it away Fly and spread your wings, have a try Be free again like a butterfly Come along and sing with us Hallelujah
Hallelujah, sounds of love Hallelujah, the sunshine above Hallelujah, the bells will go ringing And dinging from dawn 'till night Hallelujah
Hallelujah, hand in hand Hallelujah, all over the land Hallelujah, let's try from the start And sing it with all our heart Hallelujah
Hallelujah, sounds of love Hallelujah, the sunshine above Hallelujah, the bells will go ringing And dinging from dawn 'till night Hallelujah
Hallelujah, the bells will go ringing And dinging from dawn 'till night Hallelujah