Dve tudje ruke na meni i osecam se bolesna sva on ceka da kazem kreni ja kazem stani nisam ja ta niko kao ti, nema kljuc od mojih slabosti
Ref. Nisam devojka ni zena krevet mi je pust ko stena vatra sam a led, ledena nisam devojka ni zena
Niko kao ti, niko kao ti, moj lepi ne zna da me svu zaslepi srce ucini da strepi niko kao ti moj lepi, niko kao ti kad god probam da sam tudja za tobom sam vise ludja niko kao ti, niko kao ti
Dva tudja oka u mraku i tonem kao nasukan brod rodjena u pogresnom znaku losa sam luka za muski rod niko kao ti, nema kljuc za moje slabosti
Da li sam ista ko druge zene nesto ipak cudno kod mene da li ja mozda sama trazim zlo o zasto sam poludela za tobom izludela ma kakva sam, kakva sam to
Ref. 2x
Nisam devojka ni zena krevet mi je pust ko stena vatra sam a led, ledena nisam devojka ni zena
My Beautiful
Someone else's two hands are touching me and I feel sick he's waiting for me to tell him to start I tell him to stop, I'm not the one no one like you has the key to my weakness
I'm not a girl nor a woman my bed is empty like a rock I'm fire but I'm frozen as ice I'm not a girl nor a woman
No one like you, one like you, my beautiful knows how to make me blind my heart tries to not fear people like you my beautiful, no one like you whenever I try to be someone else's girl I'm more crazy with you no one like you, no one like you
Someone else's two eyes in the dark and I'm sinking like a stranded ship I've been born at the wrong sign* I'm a bad girl, sly for the male race no one like you has the key to my weakness
Am I the same as the other women there is still something strange about me am I maybe looking for evil alone why did I go crazy, had a frenzy because of you what kind of girl, what kind of girl am I
I'm not a girl nor a woman my bed is empty like a rock I'm fire but I'm frozen as ice I'm not a girl nor a woman