You be my lover for all time... You my seasonal lover, there is no other, summer, spring, winter and fall... Your love makes them all. Days of paradise, nights of splinder... Oh baby, oh baby... You so gentle, you so warm... С'mon baby, take me in your arms! You my seasonal lover, there's no room for another... Days make weeks, and weeks make a season, and loving you, give them all a reason... Seasons come, and seasons go, seasonal love just grow and grow... ( You be my lover for all time) You make my blood so warm, when I hold you... But the thought of losing you, makes my whole body cold... (I shiver) I see you in my dreams and I'm satisfied it seems... (for a dream) When I see you day and night... My days are sunny, and they are bright... You make them all worth while, in spite of it all. You remain my love today, and my lover tomorrow... Seasons come, and seasons go, seasonal love, just grow and grow... Days makes weeks and weeks make a season, and loving you give them all a reason! (you be my lover) I miss the smell of you body, the smile on your face, their bold intoxicating, and filled with, warm thoughts of yesterday, and expectations for tomorrow, cause you see, your my seasonal lover! Seasonal and reasonable (for all time)... Oh my baby, your so easy to love... Seasons come, seasons go, but my love for you, it grows it grows it grows!... Oh my baby... Seasonal, reasonable... Dont you know, your so easy to love... Сause my love for you, it grows! (you be my lover for all time)... Seasonal, seasonal lover baby... Theres no room for another... Seasonal lover baby.