Lying under a melting moon I bemoan the truth I shall never know For I'm pulled by the winds of Eternity In a chasm where no sparkle of light dances
Infinite thoughts dyed with madness Like celestial gazes through a maze of Nothingness Thus wanders my dreamful soul Like an absurd shadow fleeing the sun
Against all nature, against the tide Again and again I try To escape that blindfold iron era In order to reach the stars, carriers of wisdom So let my eyes close And my mind travel Beyond the illusory beauty Beyond the silent and motionless rivers of pain
Over the frozen waterfalls we shall rise hand in hand And top the corpse of the moon eyeing us scornfully down From her mirrorthrone in the nightsky Whence she spells her curse on our yet blackened hearts
No smiles shall enlighten our faces sculpted in marble For lost is our cause But through astral travels we shall find another reality The true essence of Life… and Death…