I don't want to be the usual! NO! I don't wanna be a coward! I don't want to be oppressed By the people who want to fuck up the rest!
I'll make my choice! I'm living my life! I don't care if it's wrong or right! I don't wanna listen to what people say I'm gonna live my life in my own way!
Ref.: Oi! Oi! Oi! (I) don't wanna be peaceFOOL! (I) don't wanna be useFOOL! (I) don't want to just agree! I JUST WANT TO BE ME!
I don't want to be ordinary! YES! I don't want to live in permanent stress! I don't want to feel shame or doubt Because of the stupid crowd yelling around!
I'll make my decisions on my own Even if it's wrong! But who's really knows?!!! I'm gonna take responsibility over my life It's the only way I'm gonna feel alright!