Woolf Wolf Wall Street He has money under seat please man fasten your seat belt we just started started felt
he likes many awesome things drugs guns bitches more of this seems it has always been fuckin' wrong he looks like bee brokeback plowed on Wall Street hated coc and hated weed but everything changed in one meet and he will never be the same again heey house full of whores it's so cool I made this verse suck suck suck suck every time lick lick lick lick oh my mind heey bags full of cash he was born to back in flash money money all like money as the saying goes no money no honey
coin cash dough money stuff it will never be enough as well as all i love that shit steeper than it's only weed whores like suck my dick organ cock tool willy prick with them i'm gentle and i'm feat i will throw them coup of stick so go back to wolf he is cool as bitch of nolf even he was burned down he's still best on beach with palm someday he will have to go he will do it quick not slow baby just come down don't cry he will back in flash just like Marti McFly