[Twilight Sparkle] Morning in Ponyville shimmers Morning in Ponyville shines And I know for absolute certain That everything is certainly fine There's the Mayor en route to her office There's the sofa clerk selling some quills Store owner: Morning, kid! [Twilight Sparkle] My Ponyville is so gentle and still Can things ever go wrong? I don't think that they will Morning in Ponyville shimmers Morning in Ponyville shines And I know for absolute certain That everything is certainly...
My Little Pony: FiM (Season 3) - Morning In Ponyville (0)
MLP: Искорка - Morning In Ponyville (0)
Rainbow Dash - Morning In Ponyville (0)
MLP - Friendship is Magic - Morning In Ponyville (0)
My Little Pony: FiM(S3) - Morning In Ponyville (0)
млп - Доброе утро Понивиль (0)
MLP:Friendship is Magic - Утро в Понивиле (0)
My Little Pony - Morning In Ponyville(Eng) (0)
Май Литл Пони. - Доброе утро Понивиль. (0)
mlp История Тихого Понивиля (History of Silent Ponyville) mlp История Тихого Понивиля (History of Silent Ponyville) ... Песня Искорки® Мой Маленький Пони. Дружба - Это ...