I'm Billy Milano, I'm a bold courageous man. He is, he is, yes, yes, he is. A knight without armor in a bold savage land. He is, he is, yes, yes, he is. I protect all fair maidens and damsels in distress. He does, he does, yes, yes, he does. I'll try and comfort you, but first take off your dress. You're good, you're good, oh so, so good. I'm lean, mean cruel, obscene, not only am I Elvis. Sometimes I'm James Dean. We are M.O.D. and we are on Megaforce. (Jon Z). Not just a record label, a guiding light - we're never lost. (Jon Z). Jon and Marsha manage, Jeff and Leslie book our shows. (Jon Z). We write the songs and play the town and make friends on the road. (Marsha screeching). I'm lean, mean cruel, obscene, not only am I Elvis. Sometimes I'm James Dean. I'm lean, mean cruel, obscene, not only am I Elvis. Sometimes I'm James Dean. I'm Billy Milano, I'm a bold courageous man. He is, he is, yes, yes, he is. A knight without armor in a bold savage land. He is, he is, yes, yes, he is. I protect all fair maidens and damsels in distress. He does, he does, yes, yes, he does. I'll try and comfort you, but first take off your dress. You're good, you're good, oh so, so good. I'm lean, mean cruel, obscene, not only am I Elvis. Sometimes I'm James Dean. (... And Tom Cruise).