1. Geisterfahrer - Bestien 2. C. W. Vrtacek - Revenge 3. Art & Technique - Alléluiah Kadafi 4. Richard Bone - Mutant Wisdom 5. Thomas Voburka - Romance Adieu 6. Dynamo - River of no Return 7. Dïoz - Reset Part 3 8. Philippe Laurent (Hot-Bip) - Exposition 3 9. Performance - Pilotes 10. David Borden - Esty Point, Summer 1978 11. Danse Macabre - 6-6-6 ½ 12. Jad Wio - Version X du Beauty & the Beast 13. Ladybird - Netlove 14. Reifenstahl - Je t'air (Ich dich luft) 15. Midnight Mike - United