هنوز عاشق ترینم، ای تو تنها باورمن hanooZ asheghtarinaM! ey to tanha bavare maN! i aM stiLL thE mosT loveR! you! my onlY belief
به غیر از با تو بودن، نیست هوایی بر سر من be gheyr az ba to boodaN! nisT havayI bar sarE maN! i caN't thinK about anytHing and waNt anythinG excepT being with you!
هنوز عطر تو مونده، در فضای خانه من hanooZam atre to moondE dar fazayE khaneye maN! youR fragrancE is stiLL here, in my homE!
هنوزم بیقراره، این دل دیوونه من hanooZam bi ghararE !in dele divooneye maN! mY crazY heaRt is stiLL restleSs... for you!
تویی تنها دلیل بودن من، به یاد من باش، فراموشم نکن toYI tanha dalilE boodanE man! be yade maN bash! faramooshaM nakoN! yoU arE the onlY reasoN thaT i livE for! remember mE! don't forget mE!
من تشنه محبت، دردآشنای هجرت maN teshneyE mohabbaT! darde ashenayE hejraT! i aM thirsTy foR lovE and affection! thE paiN oF migratioN is familiaR !
دلم به این جدایی، هرگز نکرده عادت delaM be in jodaYi hargez nkardE adaT! mY hearT is stiLL noT used to beinG awaY froM you...
ناکامی از تولد، همزاد بخت من بود nakamI az tavalloD hamzadE bakhte maN bood! failurE waS mY fate's twiN from the momenT i waS borN!
ندارم از تو شکوه، این سرنوشت من بود nadaraM az to shekvE! in sarneveshtE man bood! I don't complaiN you! thaT was my fatE!
بی تو حدیث عشق و، دیگر باور ندارم bi to hadisE eshgho dige bavaR nadaraM! I don't believE in love storiEs withouT you anymoRe!
جز با تو بودن، آرزویی در سر ندارم joZ ba to boodaN, arezooYi dar sar nadaraM! I doN't havE any desirE excepT beinG with you!