He dreams that Neptune is a prophet And Jupiter a healer And so wakes up thinking they are more than stars And he cannot tell the difference between a heartbeat and a wave He has a bad, bad sense of timeAnd she’s a queen She gives beyond her means Too pure to see through his raggedy disguise She cannot tell the difference between a photograph of lovers on a beach and a man in rags and feathers in the treesShe says: Don’t tie the blindfold quite so tight this time He says: Don’t love me to death and I won’t love you death She says: I won’t love you to death if you don’t love me to death He says: I won’t tie the blindfold quite so tight this timeAnd then he takes her by the elbow back down towards the sea where they become two very old and senile sailorsGoing in and going out (And) going in and going out … of the fog