Odebra³em ciê matce Nie daj¹c nic w zamian. Chcia³em ciê oddaæ...
Lecz ona nie pozna³a ciê ju¿
Wiem jak to boli, Kiedy g³os mój (ciep³y) Pali³ ciê (Jak) ogieñ bezlitosny. Wzrok (tak zmys³owy) W kamieñ zmieni³ siê
Od dziœ ju¿ nie bêdê sob¹ Nie bêdê t¹, Któr¹ grzech omin¹³ Dziœ ju¿ nie ma piêkna we mnie Dziœ zginê³a ¿ycia twego s³odycz
There's no more beauty in me Now the sweetness of your life is gone Giving nothing in turn I took you from your mother I wanted to give you back But she won't recognise
I know How it hurts you When my voice burns You down Fire without mercy Changed my sight Into a stone
From now on I won't be myself I won't be the one omitted by a sin There's no more beauty in me Now the sweetness of my life is gone